Sunday, October 22, 2017

Dear Diary,
    Today I finally finished moving in to my first apartment. It isn't much but I love it because it is my own. I have never had my own room before. It will be nice to be able to do what I want to it. I am planning on decorating it soon with lots of plants and lights. My pet rat, Neco, likes it too. I bought him as soon as I was able to move in to the apartment. My parents never let me own a rat because they think that rats are gross but I think that they're great.
    The people in my building are very peculiar. There is an old woman with a pet lizard named Sobeck, a young girl with glasses bigger than her face and a father to match, a man who plays the piano for a club downtown, and a woman and fiance who fight a lot. The old woman made me banana bread upon my arrival. It tasted just like when my grandmom used to make it.
    My friends want to have an apartment warming party for me. As long as they bring food it's fine by me. I can finally say that I am happy. Life feels like it is falling in to place.

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