Sunday, October 22, 2017

Dear diary,
    I finally got the call! I am going to teach a class at a real art school! I couldn't be happier. All of my hard work is finally paying off. I am going to be teaching college undergraduates that want to pursue a career in art like me. I start the job on Monday! I am going to teach a painting class and am going to be able to do what I love for a job, finally.
    I have loved painting ever since I was a little girl and now I get to share that love with my students. I get to be surrounded by people who are passionate about art and that is really important to me. Art has always been a way for me to express myself and a way for me to get through hard times. It never fails to me happy.
    When I started college as a freshman, I did't really know exactly what I wanted to do. But as I learned more about art itself and myself as well, I realized I wanted to teach art at a college and be a professor. Teaching art is something that is important to me because as I went through school, my art teachers are what inspired me to follow my heart and pursue a career in art. I want to inspire students in that way as well.

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