Sunday, October 29, 2017

I love it 3

it is my own.  4

It is so beautiful here. 5

I am going to teach 5

follow my heart. 3

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Dear Diary,
    Today I finally finished moving in to my first apartment. It isn't much but I love it because it is my own. I have never had my own room before. It will be nice to be able to do what I want to it. I am planning on decorating it soon with lots of plants and lights. My pet rat, Neco, likes it too. I bought him as soon as I was able to move in to the apartment. My parents never let me own a rat because they think that rats are gross but I think that they're great.
    The people in my building are very peculiar. There is an old woman with a pet lizard named Sobeck, a young girl with glasses bigger than her face and a father to match, a man who plays the piano for a club downtown, and a woman and fiance who fight a lot. The old woman made me banana bread upon my arrival. It tasted just like when my grandmom used to make it.
    My friends want to have an apartment warming party for me. As long as they bring food it's fine by me. I can finally say that I am happy. Life feels like it is falling in to place.
Dear Diary,
    I actually did it. I saved up for a year and took a month to go to Europe. I am currently writing this entry from my balcony overlooking the city of Rome. It is so beautiful here. The people are so kind even though I can't understand them. There is an odd understanding in the way that they speak in a warm tone with smiles across their faces.
    The air is so clean here that I would pay to bring some home with me. The food is amazing. I have never tasted such wonderful, authentic food in my life. Last week, I stayed in Paris and actually tried snails! They were not my cup of tea, but I can cross that off my bucket list at least! I am sure going to miss the food in Europe.
    Tomorrow, I am supposed to go to the Sistine Chapel. I do not know if I can hold in the tears but I will try. I get really emotional when I see famous works of art and seeing Michelangelo just might kill me. Well, this wine is making me sleepy, I should get some rest for my big day tomorrow.
Dear diary,
    I finally got the call! I am going to teach a class at a real art school! I couldn't be happier. All of my hard work is finally paying off. I am going to be teaching college undergraduates that want to pursue a career in art like me. I start the job on Monday! I am going to teach a painting class and am going to be able to do what I love for a job, finally.
    I have loved painting ever since I was a little girl and now I get to share that love with my students. I get to be surrounded by people who are passionate about art and that is really important to me. Art has always been a way for me to express myself and a way for me to get through hard times. It never fails to me happy.
    When I started college as a freshman, I did't really know exactly what I wanted to do. But as I learned more about art itself and myself as well, I realized I wanted to teach art at a college and be a professor. Teaching art is something that is important to me because as I went through school, my art teachers are what inspired me to follow my heart and pursue a career in art. I want to inspire students in that way as well.
In 5 years I want to be happy. I want things to be simpler. In 5 years I want my relationships with my family to be better. I want to be graduated and know what I want to do with my life. I want to be able to tell people that I am happy. I want to cry less in 5 years. I want to learn to ride a skateboard. I want to be healthy. In 5 years I want to be with the person who makes me happy. I want to maintain relationships with people and get closure with my mom. In 5 years I want to smile more. I want to go to Italy and eat spaghetti. I want to have a life that I worked for in 5 years. I want to live a life that I have earned.